Table of Contents
- Subtitles – Enable / Disable
Enable/disable subtitles
* Subtitles are white text on a dark backdrop
* Speaker Tags are present and yellow in Subtitles
* Subtitles split appropriately / timely on all sizes, with no more than 3 lines at any given time
- Subtitles Text Size – Small / Medium / Large
Adjust the size of the subtitle text
* Options show a preview example of the setting
- Dialogue Box Text Size – Small / Medium / Large
Adjust the size of text shown in dialogue boxes, when speaking to a character with a speech bubble above their head
* Options show a preview example of the setting
* Dialogue text is white text on a blue backdrop
* Dialogue boxes have Character Portraits and Names
* Dialogue boxes can be progressed at own pace using button presses
* Important words are highlighted / differently colored
* Options are categorized and come with descriptions/previews
* Menu text is generally light blue on dark blue backdrop, with highlighted text even lighter
* Descriptions in options are light orange on brown backdrop
* UI text is generally well contrasted / on dark backdrops / stroked
* Easy to read font
* Enemies have text “blocked” appear above them when blocking your attacks
* Enemies have text damage numbers appear above them when damaged
* Speaking NPCs have a speech bubble icon/marker/indication above their head
* Use of Icons in text to help visualize
* Reading level is minimal
* All dialogue is narrated
* Game supports several languages.
- Master Volume – Minimize / Maximize
Adjust the general audio volume of the game. (The bigger the white bar, the louder the volume will be)
- Music Volume – Minimize / Maximize
Adjust music volume. (The bigger the white bar, the louder the volume will be)
- Sound Effects Volume – Minimize / Maximize
Adjust sound effects volume. (The bigger the white bar, the louder the volume will be)
- Dialogue Volume – Minimize / Maximize
Adjust dialogue volume. (The bigger the white bar, the louder the volume will be)
* All Audio cues have a visual indicator/text. The game can be played without audio.
- Hold Button for Quick Taps (Button Bash) – Enable / Disable
Enable to allow Quick Tap interactions to be completed by holding the button/key. When disabled, button/keys must be pressed repeatedly or in quick succession to complete these interactions.
- Autocomplete Quick Taps (Quick Time Events) – Enable / Disable
Automatically complete Quick Tap interactions without pressing the button/key. When disabled, the button/keys must be pressed repeatedly or in quick succession to complete these interactions.
- Aim Toggle – Enable / Disable
Press (LEFT TRIGGER) once to switch in and out of aiming (instead of holding to aim).
- Vibration (Rumble) – Enable / Disable
Enable/disable controller vibration.
- Remapping
Press a new button to replace this input. (Menu inputs, such as in the Pause Menu, Holoprojector and Character Bar, will not be changed)
- Camera Sensitivity – Minimize / Maximize
Adjust how quickly the camera moves with (RIGHT ANALOG STICK). The bigger the white bar, the faster the camera moves.
- Invert Camera X-Axis (Left/Right) – Enable / Disable
Swap direction the camera moves horizontally.
* Options show a preview of the controls when enabled
* Separate options for aiming and flight available (see below)
- Invert Camera Y-Axis (Up/Down) – Enable / Disable
Swap the direction the camera tilts vertically.
* Options show a preview of the controls when enabled
* Separate options for aiming and flight available (see below)
- Camera Bob: Minimize/Maximize – Minimize / Maximize
Adjust how much the camera moves up and down when exploring uneven areas. The bigger the white bar, the more the camera will bob.
Screen Effects:
- Motion Blur – Enable / Disable
Enable/disable blurring effects on moving objects.
- Repeating Effects – Enable / Disable
Enable/disable repeating effects, such as lightning and strobe lights.
- Camera Shake – Enable / Disable
Enable/disable screen shake during dramatic events.
* Supports Window Mode on PC.
* Seizure screen warning at boot. All flashing imagery have passed the Harding FPA2 Tool.
- Automatic Health Recovery – Enable / Disable
When enabled, health will automatically recover over time after taking damage.
- Fall Recovery – Enable / Disable
When enabled, falling into hazardous areas will return you unharmed to your last safe position.
- Objective Text - Always On / New Only / Off
Adjust how often text for Objectives displays in the corner of the screen.
Always On: Current objective text will always display.
New Only: Objective text will appear for a few seconds when it changes.
Off: Disables objective text.
- Objective Waypoint Arrows – Enable / Disable
Enable/disable Waypoint Arrows leading to your currently tracked Objective.
- Navigation Assist – Enable / Disable
Press (RIGHT ANALOGUE) to turn the camera towards the closest Waypoint Arrow leading to your current objective. When disabled / no current objective present, (RIGHT ANALOGUE) will reposition the camera behind your character.
- Plug Guide Arrow – Enable / Disable
Enable/disable a marker showing where items can be plugged.
- Hints – Always On / New Only / Off
Adjust how often hints appear at the side of the screen.
Always On: Hints will always display to explain nearby abilities and relevant features.
New Only: Hints will only display to explain new abilities and features the first few times you encounter them.
Off: Disable hints.
-- Hint Alert – Enable / Disable
When enabled, an icon will appear in the center of the screen when new Hints appear.
- Tooltips – Regular / Small / Off
Disable or adjust the size of Tooltips showing controls for certain actions at the bottom of the screen.
Regular: Standard Size
Small: Smaller Size
Off: Disables tooltips
-- Tooltip Alert – Enable / Disable
When enabled, an icon will appear in the center of the screen when new Tooltips appear.
- Minimap – On (Static) / On (Rotate) / Off
Adjust how the minimap displays.
On (Static): Minimap displays at a fixed rotation, the top always pointing North.
On (Rotate): Minimap turns with the camera, the top always pointing where the camera faces.
Off: Disables the minimap.
-- Map Icon Visibility – All Floors / Current Floor Only
Select whether or not to see map icons for floors above and below you.
All Floors: Icons will show for all floors. Objects on different floors will appear faded, with an arrow indicating if it’s above or below you.
Current Floor Only: Icons will only show for the floor you are currently exploring.
- Regions – Enable / Disable
Enable/disable the name of your current region in the lower corner of the screen.
- Player Floor Markers – Temporary / Permanent / Off
Adjust how often player markers are shown below your character.
Temporary: Player markers will show for a few seconds when you switch character.
Permanent: Player markers will always show.
Off: Disables player markers.
* Tutorials are present in the game and explain controls/mechanics when first encountered.
* Game Autosaves at regular intervals.
* Summaries are provided when reloading a save/changing Episode.
* There are audio cues/text/symbols for visual cues and color puzzles are color-blind friendly.
* UI is contrasted and color-blind friendly.
* There’s no blood and gore.
* Accessibility Options can be accessed before any Gameplay / Opening Cutscene.
* Second Player can drop in / out anytime (couch co-op only).
- Aim Sensitivity – Minimize / Maximize
Adjust how quickly the reticle moves with (RIGHT ANALOGUE) when aiming with a ranged weapon. The bigger the white bar, the faster your aim will be.
- Invert Camera X-Axis (Left/Right) – Enable / Disable
Swap the direction of horizontal aiming.
* Options show a preview of the controls when enabled
* Separate options for the camera (see above) and flight (see below) are available
- Invert Camera Y-Axis (Up/Down) – Enable / Disable
Swap the direction of vertical aiming.
* Options show a preview of the controls when enabled
* Separate options for the camera (see above) and flight (see below) are available
- Aim Assist – Enable / Disable
Enable/disable Aim Assist, which makes it easier to hit targets when using ranged weapons. When enabled these options (see below) can be adjusted individually.
-- Target Lock-On – Enable / Disable
When pressing (LEFT TRIGGER) to start aiming, the reticle will lock on to nearby targets.
-- Near-Target Slowdown – Enable / Disable
When enabled, slows the reticle when aiming near a target. This setting makes it easier to line up your aim without accidentally moving past your target.
-- On-Target Slowdown – Enable / Disable
When enabled, slows the reticle when aiming directly at a target. This setting helps to maintain your aim without accidentally moving away from your target.
-- Homing Shots – Enable / Disable
Shots from ranged weapons will "home in" and seek towards nearby targets, improving aim.
- Flight Sensitivity – Minimize / Maximize
Adjust how quickly the ship turns with (LEFT ANALOGUE). The bigger the white bar, the faster you will turn.
- Invert Camera X-Axis (Left/Right) – Enable / Disable
Swap the direction your ship turns horizontally.
* Options show a preview of the controls when enabled
* Separate options for the camera and aiming are available (see above)
- Invert Camera Y-Axis (Up/Down) – Enable / Disable
Swap the direction your ship tilts vertically.
* Options show a preview of the controls when enabled
* Separate options for the camera and aiming are available (see above)
Accessibility Feedback
Please contact us at for any issues you experience related to accessibility (aka: a11y).
Accessibility means avoiding and correcting any unnecessary friction or barriers that prevent people with a range of impairments from enjoying WB games. We believe games are for everyone and strive to create and maintain accessible titles for all of our players.
This includes problems related to any form of impairment: visual, motor, auditory, cognitive, or other. As well as any issues related to accessibility legislation such as the FCC’s CVAA (21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act.)
Please try to include the title of the game you are contacting us about, the platform you are playing on, and a description of the issue you are having.
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